Happy family, happy pup......happy endings!
Bailey (formerly Daisy): Adopted! January 29, 2013![]() We rescued 4 puppies and had been fostering them for about 1 week when we got a knock at the door. It was our neighbor Maureen with a young pup in her hands. She explained that she had found the dog under a car not far from her home. She had asked around and found out that the pup had been living on her own for a few days, under that car. Everyone felt bad for her; no one knew where the 6 week old puppy came from and they knew her chances of survival on her own were slim. Maureen knew she had to do something, but they were already fostering another dog (MexPup Tiny) so adding another puppy was challenging. Even so, she got the pup and after a trip to the vet, she arrived at our home. The good news was that the pup was relatively healthy, but even so our foster pups were in quarantine. A decision was made that once quarantine passed and the vet approved, Daisy would come into foster with the puppies we already had. She joined the pack of Snap, Crackle, Pop and Freya as the largest pup even though she is about 3 weeks younger than they are. At approximately 10 weeks old, she weighed 6.8 kilos, so we expect her to be a larger dog at 25+ kilos when full grown. She is such a sweet girl who plays hard and loves to be loved. Daisy loves big dogs and works hard to get them to play with her. She prefers to sleep next to people or other dogs, she is not a loner. This little girl steals hearts and will make a wonderful addition to someone’s family.
Bailey After....
![]() Kathie was told about Mexpup from a friend after their family dog passed away. She browsed through the albums on Facebook, reading their stories, and picked out 2 dogs that she liked - Pink and Daisy. After sharing their stories with her husband, Marty, he said they should get a puppy this time. Kathie was worried because she couldn't find Daisy on the Mexpup.com page, but she applied anyway hoping she wasn’t yet adopted. When Kathie found out they were approved, she downloaded all of Daisy’s pictures that she could find and set her teenage daughter, Becca, to pick a new name (because apparently a dog can't be named for a flower), and Kathie came up with a mantra - brown head, black nose, beige legs, white toes. When Kathie and her other daughter Donna arrived at Karen's house to pick up Daisy (soon to be Bailey), it was like she searched Kathie out - she came right up to where she was sitting on the couch and put her head in Kathie’s lap. Marty works graveyard, so when Kathie and Bailey got home, there was time for a quick sniff and pet before he left. The next morning when Kathie left to drive kids to school, hubby watched as Bailey tried her darndest to work the doorknob with her paws. Later that day, because Marty was sleeping, Kathie took the puppy with her to watch Becca's basketball game. After the pre-game noise settled down, she curled up at Kathie’s feet and slept through the game. It’s very obvious that this pup has found her human to love and protect. The next day Kathie hears growling behind her, she immediately thinks it’s the cat that was picking on the new puppy, but instead found Bailey balancing on her hind legs trying to get a better look at the hedgehog stuffy Marty had given her for Valentine’s Day. That's when Kathie called her "Crazy Daisy" and then she decided Becca was right. Daisy needed the new name - and she became Bailey. We say to Kathie...welcome to puppyhood. Bailey loves Minou (cat sister); Bailey loves the big yard; Bailey loves all the kids who come to the house. She loves going with mom to the schools to pick up kids, too, because all the kids who come out of the school want to pet the cute puppy. Bailey loves to run up and down the yard. If someone is out there with her, she plays keep away with a ball or a piece of bark she pulls out of the wood pile; if no one is there, she just runs up and down the yard chasing nothing at all. Mom and dad watch her doing it on the surveillance cameras. Bailey really wants Minou to play, but Minou only puts up with her puppiness for so long. She will stay in the room as long as Bailey is calm. When Bailey starts bouncing, Minou finds a hiding place. Bailey loves going for walks. Kathie and Marty live right beside a city park and they take a different path every time we go. Becca works near another park and when she has a short shift, Bailey and mom drive her to work and then go walking until it's time to pick her up again. One weekend, Becca had a basketball tournament out of town and mom and Bailey went for a walk on the beach in Qualicum between games. Bailey you have found a loving and sounds like playful and busy home, perfect for a sweet puppy! Have a wonderful life sweet girl. Thank you to everyone who made this match happen.